September 11, 2009

Chapter 4 - The Divulgence

The scene is just as perfect as it is… two strangers dancing slowly in the supple melody. I have never felt this way before. Him… Infront of me… holding my hips… while I am looking at his placid eyes… his face draws near into mine… and--

“Are you okay?” Brix suddenly burst into Teresa’s superb thoughts.
“Uh of course I am okay! Why? Am I turning into a monster now?” Teresa didn’t even know how she get along with her sense of humor.
“Ha ha ha! I didn’t know you’re funny! What if I told you that you are indeed turning into a monster now?” Brix answered.
“What?! You got to be kidding me!” then Teresa pinched Brix’s arm.
“Ouch! Oh wow! You are indeed a monster! Just kidding.” Brix smiled and look sincerely on Teresa’s deep brown eyes.
“Why you’re looking at me like that?” Teresa was puzzled by how Brix look at her.
“I don’t even know…” Brix said.
“Oh okay? You are weird.” Teresa replied.
“But there is more than meets the eye.” Brix said.

And then while the “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls playing; a voice suddenly breaks into Brix and Teresa’s moment.

“Attention Maritians, I hope we could still continue this night celebration of Marist Spirit but I am afraid that our assigned time for this has finally come to its end. Everyone is requested to go back to their respective delegations and allocated Marist brothers for the attendance. To all Marist brothers, please abide with your responsibilities and make sure that your students are safe and complete in number. Thank you and have a great night Maritians. All to Jesus through Mary.”

“Oh well, I guess this is it. I have to go to the convent now… I still got work to do.” Teresa told him.
“Okay. But can we keep in touch then? Here…” Brix hand over his cellphone to Teresa for her to type in her contact number.
As Teresa key in her number to his phone. Teresa also got Brix’s number.
“We’ll just keep in touch then? I will miss you Teresa.” Brix smiled.
There is something surreal about how Brix’s smile. Its genuineness crashed into Teresa’s heart for some bizarre reason. Wow. He’s amazing. It may be a bit odd for two strangers to put in such connection for they only knew each other for just a speck of time but they both know they are up to something. Something that is very neutral and emblematic.

12:00 MN – 2:00 AM of January 21, 2007

The first thing that Teresa did was to face off her very reliable laptop for her next and last job for that tiring and stressful event of her entire school life. She has to transfer all the pictures that she had taken for that night from her digital camera. While doing so, her cellphone suddenly beeps.

Hey, how are you? Its Brix. Are you doing okay in there?

“Oh my Goodness! He texted me!” Teresa was in great surprise because she thought that Brix would actually forget about her. Then she started replying back to his text message.

Hello there, Brix. I am doing okay but I still got to finish my work for tonight. I have to edit all the pictures that I have taken a while ago. Or else, our brother would turn into a monster. Hahaha!

Then they exchanging text messages. The beauty of unlimited texting for a day offered by their cellphone’s network.

Brix: Really? Your brother could turn into a monster?
Teresa: Yeah, he could. Hahaha!
Brix: That is so cool! I wanna see him turn into a monster!
Teresa: You know I am just kidding, right?
Brix: Hahaha! C’mon. I know you are. You know what, do not be serious. Life is fun! Live it to the fullest.
Teresa: Who told you I am serious? Hahaha! What happened to that, “There is more than meets the eye” Mr. Fun? Hahaha!üü
Brix: Whoa! Okay!? You got me in there. Hmmm. You know what, you are very interesting to me.
Teresa: Why? Are you a mad scientist? Are you going to conduct a scientific research on me? Or to our brother? Hahaha!üü
Brix: Seriously. Ü
Teresa: Oh, ok. Hey! You could be serious too! Hahaha! Ok? Hmmm.. What made you think I am interesting?
Brix: Just the way you are. Too bad we are leaving tomorrow to Marikina. I never get to see you anymore. :(
Teresa: Yeah, me too. I think it would take long for us to see again.
Brix: I told myself I should have met you the first day I have seen you. I hate myself.
Teresa: What?! You actually seen me the first day? How?
Brix: You didn’t just noticed me because you are way busy touring us around your school. You are our tour guide, right? Do you want me to tell you what is the exact color of your shirt that you wore for the last 5 days of Marist Meet?
Teresa: Are you stalking me or something? Hahaha!!! JOKE.
Brix: Maybe? I don’t even know why I want to check you out.
Teresa: Whoa. That’s weird. You are possessed! LOL. (Laughing out Loud)
Brix.: Yes, I might be possessed but I am serious. I like you, Teresa.

And when Teresa read the last message, her heart pounded like a hammer. Oh. My. Goodness.

--to be continued

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