September 9, 2009

Chapter 3 - The Rendezvous

I wish this thing would not last forever. I am beginning to get tired of it. The next days are total mess. Lack of manpower, stuffs needed and even their moderator is not responding to Teresa’s necessities. How am I going to survive this catastrophe?

January 20, 2009

Today is the last day of Marist Meet 2007. The delegates are now in their final battles according to their particular event. Cheers and screams are very audible in Teresa’s school. Finally, Teresa’s stressful week is going to come to a conclusion. Last day… Yes! I can finally breathe tomorrow…
After the morning activities, their Marist brother went on to check Teresa’s works and told her that there is going to be a SOCIAL NIGHT among all the Marist Schools tonight. It is a sort of victory party for the successful event. Oh yes, it is not yet the end. She knows she has to do her best in this last gala of the whole mêlée. The Social Night should be the night where all the contestants from various events would enjoy and have that relaxation from the strenuous assessments they had for that looooong week. Oh yeah, good for them but not to me. Teresa is very much stressed and sleepless. But she has to do it. She just has to…

Evening comes.

Everything is almost right. All the delegates are in attendance. Some are ecstatic, some are not quite sure of the turnout of their performance and their places. This is very typical in a competition like this although this event is not about the competition but the common goal that is being aimed. And of course it is also expected that some are about the competition or what we commonly call “show-offs”.

Teresa is holding tightly to her digital camera to take pictures of the who’s who of each event. It is also considered as an awarding night and she did not expect that. So, she must cover this thing up together with her colleagues. As she takes pictures, she suddenly notices this guy from Marist Marikina. He seems so nice and very funny too. His from his school’s basketball team and what is distinct about him is that he is wearing pink. Teresa believes that if a guy is wearing pink he may be interesting and fun. Why I can’t help but to look at this guy?

“And the OVER-ALL champion is… MARIST SCHOOL OF MARBEL!” it was Teresa’s school who won in general. To some they assume this is predictable because it is the HOST school. It has great aspect to be a winner – when you are in your HOMECOURT. And so, the party begins. Good music plays like crazy and everybody should dance. The Social Night begins.

Teresa is going around the gymnasium where the bash is being held. Taking pictures of everybody who is having fun and having the great time of their night. For they know that tomorrow is a day of departure. While taking pictures she suddenly bumped into this guy. “Hey there! Please take a picture of us!” the guy said. “Sure!” Teresa smiled because the guy happened to be her CRUSH.

“Hi, by the way, I’m Brix and you are?.”

“I’m Teresa,”

“Nice to meet you, Teresa. Come on. Let’s take a picture."
Sudden blush went on to Teresa’s cheek. I didn’t know I would actually get to know him… As she goes, Brix is following her. She can’t help but to feel awkward in a sense that he is so cute for her. But well, that’s just the way it is.
The music plays hiphop and r&bs. Everybody is dancing the night out on the dance spot.
“Can we dance?” Brix told Teresa.

“Uhm… I am not sure about it… I got to finish my job first.” Teresa answered.

“Come on, take a break. You’ve been so stressed for the past days. All you do is work, work and guess what WORK! Do you want get old fast? Dance it out, Teresa!” Brix told her. So he actually been spying on me or something? How did he know that I am all work? I didn’t even notice him looking at me.

“Okay then… If you insist.” Teresa answered shyly.
As they go the dance floor the music suddenly becomes a slow song. What the heck? Is this some kind of a movie or something? What a timing, huh?
“Are you okay with this?” Brix asked Teresa while he seems to take her hand and go slow dancing with her.

“Uh—uhm. I don’t know…” She replied.

“Trust me…” Brix beamed to her and for some reason Teresa felt she could trust him with this.

---to be continued

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