August 30, 2009


On this day of your life, RYX, we believe God wants you to know...

... that decision is only wishful thinking until you take that first irreversible step.

You can tell yourself that you have already decided, that nothing now can stop you, but if that step backwards is so much safer than step forwards, what will hold you true to your path when the going gets tough? Sometimes, the right thing to do is to take that first irreversible step, the one after which you cannot go back. And now, for you, is one of those times.

I super love this message for me. I got it from my facebook account. Hehe. Well, indeed, nothing's gonna stop me from what I want to do now. Maybe before people keep on stopping me. I am tired of living on their shadows. I have to be a butterfly now. I have to spread my wings and fly as high as I can. Show the world who and what I wanna be. God is with me. always. He never leaves me. :) 

Weee!!!! That's all for now.. Gotta go!


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