August 29, 2009

Feelings Flow all of a Sudden.

Hmmm. Since this blog is about myself. I could say whatever I want, right? well... I went to check on my facebook account and suddenly I bumped into my EX's gf's profile. HAHA. Yes, we are friends ONLY in facebook. I have tried to ask apology to her for being mean and stuff... But guess what? SHE IS STILL COLD. HAHA. There's something wrong in her that I definitely UNDERSTAND (Haha. Think whatever you think. FRIENDS - u know it.) HAHA. Well, I was just trying to be friends with her... But she made it sound like IT WAS MY FAULT. Like, what the heck. She and my effin ex boyfriend cheated on me. OK? HAHA. Anyways, as the title of this blog goes. FEELINGS FLOW ALL OF A SUDDEN. :))

Well, I am scrolling down on her older posts and GUESS WHAT! My ex is giving her the same messages that he gave me before. Same song dedications. Same thing. ALL THE SAME THING. :)) Hmmm. Well, all I can say is that I felt on those things that he done to me before but now it was totally nothing. Talking about NO ORIGINALITY. AND HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. HAHA. Before I moved to where I am now, I had a chat with my ex's ex girlfriend. She said, well... He did the same thing to me too. Poor new gf. TSK TSK.

I only feel sorry for the new gf. I understand her for hating me. HMMM. coz i was the same thing before when Me and My ex are still together. I was suppppper bitter with his exs too. Because they are trying to ruin our relationship. Because I guess it is HIS habit. His promises and deeds only last like I DONT KNOW. It depends on him. 2 years is such a long time for me to know him VERY WELL. :)) I just wish they would last longer than US. As they say, ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER :)) and HISTORY COULD BE REPEATED BY ITSELF :))

That's all for now. GOtta go!


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