August 27, 2009

Music is my Drug

Last night was a total blast. We joined this battle of the band thing -- FILIPINO COMMUNITY in USA,  for the celebration of BUWAN NG WIKA (Language Month) but for me, it supposed to be like ARAW NG WIKA (Language Day) because we've only celebrated it for a day. (Laughs) whatever… So, that was it. It turned out to be a very cool gig. Maybe we’ve messed up a bit at the start but after that we did it! I just can’t believe I sung it right though. HAHA. I’ve never ever know that I could make it. Jasher was so funny last night. He forgot the lyrics of the song he was singing. But he made it through. He made it sound funny and the people still cheered for us… in a GOOD way. HAHA. Japjap is a very talented LEAD GUITARIST and same as with EDWARD CULLEN at drums (we call him that. HAHA) I am also happy that I didn't mess up playing the bass for the second song. We need to play 2 Filipino Songs. Me and Jasher just switched places for the vocals and bass guitar. I wish Fred could sing but all my bandmates are plain "SLAAANGGGSS" haha. They had american accent. Darn it. (LAUGHS)

After the performance, my friends and some other people appreciated my voice and ofcourse our performance. I am really flattered and stuff. I am glad that people liked it. I really didn’t care if we win or not. As long as we carried it out nicely. It’s all about FUN and making MUSIC alive. Music is my life (Fred is also my life) okay, whatever… just the both them of are my LIVES! Hahaha!

Zyl was also a first time. I don’t really know. What’s even amazing with my performance last night is that I am the only girl vocalist and I DID NOT DRINK ALCOHOL before the gig. It was my habit before just for me to be less shy in front of a crowd. (Laughs) All I did is praying by heart and I felt God Jesus’ presence within me. And that’s all I need. And it worked.

Well that’s all for now… Gotta go!


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