September 22, 2009

Chapter 6 - The Departure

“No! Don’t hurt me! My heart is the only thing I can’t live without! Why?! Why now?!” Teresa yelped to something that is approaching towards her. It is neither a human nor an animal. It is literally a thing – a very scary thing.

“Help! Please! Don’t take my hand! Whatever or whoever you are! Spare me!”

Suddenly, a shining shimmering knife in gashing motion appeared to her sight. It is trying to reach her chest like it has a life of its own. It is getting very near her… reaching… gashing madly… closer…


“Teresa! WAKE UP!” Brother Noel came into Teresa’s consciousness. It was just a nightmare.

“Whoa! Brother! Thank you for saving my life!” Teresa frantically said to their handsome and funniest Marist Brother. He likes to joke around and he is also outgoing. In short, he is different from the other Marist brothers.

“I think you had a very awful nightmare, Ter. You must be very exhausted. You want hot chocolate?” Brother Noel beamed to her.

“It’s okay, brother. I’ll be okay. Uhm, what time is it now?” Teresa’s now back to her receptiveness.

“It’s 5:45 am. Why? Do you have any transactions? Hmmmm…” he winked to Teresa and that wink denotes something.

“OH, GOSH! I have to go to school brother!” Teresa is having an adrenaline rush now. She has to see Brix before they’ll leave for Marikina. She’s grabbing things and fixing herself madly. It is a 15-minute travel from the Marist Convent to Marist School of Marbel. She has to hurry or else – Bye, Bye Brix. See you soon or NEVER.

“Calm down, Teresa. Hahaha! Someone’s in a hurry here for someone special, huh?” Brother Noel laughed like he knows what’s up.

“Whatever Brother! I gotta go! See yah!” Teresa said as she was making her way out of the marist convent. All her staffs and other colleagues are still sleeping soundly on their beds. They we’re all exhausted and overused for the past 5 days of the event. But it seems like Teresa forgotten the exhaustion and tiredness. It is like this certain thing in her heart tells her that she desires to see him. She has to…and she’s on her way.

She arrived at their school and walked hastily to Marist Marikina’s quarters. I hope their still here. I hope he’s here. I hope… Teresa’s wishful thoughts suddenly came into reality. She saw this very familiar boy approaching her way. It was Brix.

“I knew you could make it.” Brix beamed to Teresa. He is wearing their school jersey and holding something behind his back.

“Am I too late? I had a nightmare! I am really sorry if I haven’t replied to your last message. I am really damn sleepy and I weren’t aware that I am already sleeping like mad. I even drooled on my pillow. What time are you going to leave? Are you mad at me because I just went her now and—

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there, you pretty thing. Hahaha! Learn how to breathe Teresa. It is perfectly fine. My teammates are even sleeping right now. We’ll be leaving by 8:00 am instead. So, calm down! Relax!” Brix told her.

“Okay? Uhm… Hahaha! Damn. I looked stupid there, huh?” Teresa sneer to herself. Not knowing what to respond now because of embarrassment.

“Of course not! Don’t say that. You are not stupid. Okay?” Brix said.

“Hahaha! Okay, if you said so.” Teresa has a change of vibes as she looks at his deep brown eyes. There is something in his eyes that she cannot empathize. She can’t discern if it is misery or bliss. That’s when she felt Brix’s inscrutability. Interesting… Teresa’s thoughts swirl like a cinnamon.

“Do you want a place to sit in for a talk?” Brix suddenly broke her swirling thoughts.

“Sure. Where do you want to sit?” Teresa asked and acted normally.

“Hey! You’re going to this school! You should know! Hahaha!” Brix cracked.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny mister.” Teresa responded sarcastically.

Suddenly, Brix made out a cute frown on his face. He is trying to play like a little kid that didn’t get what he wants.

“Oh, and now you’re acting cute, huh?” Teresa said.

“Hahaha! Okay, okay… I’m not going to make that face again.” He answered.

Finally, they have found a place to sit it. It was just in front of their quarters. In a static moment, Teresa felt Brix’s hand holding hers.

The next thing, her eyes met his eyes. They are staring at each other. Eye language…

--to be continued

1 comment:

  1. A book is a crazy big undergoing. Congratulations and good luck!

